A workshop for backyard orchard owners, one tree or many, young trees or old, this workshop is for you.
Tim Coyne of Master Gardeners will present the “should do” basics of pruning while, together with backyard orchard farmer Carole Flaherty. The what you “can” do, especially with large old orchard trees, will also be discussed.
See and feel the kinds of tools that make pruning easier. Learn how to shape new and young trees, and how to prevent limbs from breaking off older trees.
Need help with your trees? Resource lists will be made available.
The pruning techniques will be videoed for people who cannot attend and the link posted on Master Gardener’s and SFRR’s websites.
Limited to 20 people.
NOTE: For those wanting to do a deeper dive into pruning there are still a few spots left for the afternoon.
Regenerative Farming Workshop – Pruning & Tree Care
with Wendy Krupnick
1:30-4:30 p.m. at Ethic Cider
Note: The morning and afternoon workshops will have many different discussion points, so you should consider attending both.
Ethic Cider Tasting Room will be open for tasting
11:00 to 1:30 and 4:30 until closing