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Community Apple Press

Use the buttons below to reserve or to schedule volunteer time staffing the press.

The Press is a popular community resource.  Our goal is to make it available to as many households as possible.  We request that our patrons reserve no more than three slots per calendar month.  If more press availability is needed, we encourage you to rent a press from our friends at Sebastopol Hardware.

One appointment of 20 minutes is sufficient to press up to 100 pounds (about five large buckets) of apples. 100 pounds produces about five gallons of juice.  If you need to rinse your apples please come 15 minutes early. Asian Pears need to be quartered.  Bring a friend or two to make your work lighter! 

At the Farm, a Slow Food volunteer familiar with operation of the press will be on site to help you. All you need to bring is your apples (from your own trees or bought from a local grower) and a sufficient number of containers with lids.  Be sure to bring a few extra containers, in case your apples are especially juicy.

In 2024, reservations for the Sebastopol Community Apple Press will open around July 1.  The first day of the press will likely be Saturday, August 3 (opening and closing dates vary each year depending on how quickly local apples ripen).

As an all-volunteer non-profit organization, we depend on donations to keep our press running.  While pressing your apples is free, we hope you will consider supporting our work either by clicking the link below or by making a cash or check donation at the press.  Many thanks for your support!

We look forward to helping you at the press!
